29 January 2018

Vocabulary Unit 3

  • Scuba diving: the sport or pastime of swimming underwater using a scuba.
  • Goggles: close-fitting glasses with the side shields,for protecting the eyes fron glare, dust, water ...
  • Canteen: a restaurant provied by a organization such as a collage, factory or company for its students of staff.
  • Wetsuit: a close rubber garment typically covering the entire body ,worn for warmth in water sports or diving.
  • Public school: a private fee-paying secondary school, especially one for boarders.
  • Hoop  = Aro de la canasta 
  • Staffroom = sala de profesores
  • Canteen = cafetería
  • ICT suite = sala de informática
  • Belt = cinturón de judo.

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