1 November 2017

Halloween in diferent places

In Ireland :200 years ago in Ireland start the Halloween but is was not called Halloween, ti was a pagan ritual that receved the name of Samhain.
In Spain: no Dicember 31st,it was always been the eve of all the saints that has the tradicion of visiting the cementeries which the belove ones who have died are remenbered and flowers are deposited in their place of rest.
In Canada:is celebrated similar Uniated States the o ley difference  is the was to disguis, the Parade is mor carnabal than terror.
In Japan: maintain the tradition of disguisin up and part of the decoration, only the y make it their own pumpkins, they are also different and they are more concerned with originality than terror motives.
In England: English Halloween has a little differences whit American or Irish, but of something is charact Erizad by competitiviness when it comes to disguise and the youngest play the famous trick or treat.

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